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来源:wenku7.com  资料编号:WK715426 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK715426
2.资料以网页介绍的为准,下载后不会有水印.资料仅供学习参考之用. 帮助

本文在进行市场分析的基础上研究荐书门户网站业务流程,设计符合网民浏览习惯的网站界面和功能,构建网站大致模型,再将每个功能模块细化,以网页为独立元素结合当前技术进行开发。基于B/S模式,运用HTML5语言,以Dreamweaver CS6为系统开发工具,借助ASP动态网页技术,选用Microsoft Access 2013作为数据库管理系统,最终实现一个功能相对完善、界面友好的荐书门户网站。
关键词:荐书网站;Microsoft Access;Dreamweaver;ASP;B/S结构

    With the development of the times, the Internet plays an increasingly important role in people's lives. At the same time, the application of the Internet has become more and more important in all walks of life. Countries in the transformation, the economy in the transformation, the market is also in the transition, so rely on the original traditional large-scale production, large-scale sales growth model to obtain the traditional dividends of the traditional industries unsustainable, must join the Internet + tide.
The book industry as a traditional industry in a model, but also need to follow the trend of the times in the Internet increasingly developed today to seek a new development path, to explore new development space. So, how to use the Internet in the Internet era of Internet tools and Internet thinking to deal with the growing impact of electricity, innovation, change in the stability is particularly important. A website based on the Internet search books will undoubtedly hundreds of millions of Internet users have developed into their own potential consumer objects, whether it is from the information sharing or custom cultivation can achieve space and time of low cost, in the traditional book industry to form a new The development pattern.
Based on the market analysis, this paper studies the business process of the portal, designs the website interface and function of the user's browsing habits, constructs the general model of the website, makes each function module refine, and the web page is the independent element combined with the current technology Development. Based on B / S mode, using HTML5 language, Dreamweaver CS6 as the system development tool, with ASP dynamic web technology, select Microsoft Access 2013 as a database management system, and ultimately to achieve a relatively perfect function, user-friendly recommended book portal.

Keyword:Book website; Microsoft Access; Dreamweaver;ASP ; B/S Structure


1    绪论    1
1.1研究现状    1
1.2网站开发目标和现实意义    1
1.2.1目标    1
1.2.2意义    2
2    关键技术简介    3
2.1 B/S结构    3
2.2 ASP技术    3
2.2.1什么是ASP    3
2.2.2 ASP的运行环境    3
3    系统分析    7
3.1需求分析    7
3.1.1总体需求分析    7
3.1.2各模块需求分析    8
3.2可行性分析    15
3.2.1操作可行性    15
3.2.2经济可行性    16
3.2.3技术可行性    16
3.3业务流程分析    16
3.4数据流程分析    17
4    网站设计    20
4.1前台浏览模块设计    20
4.1.1登录注册    20
4.1.2信息展示    22
4.1.3购物    22
4.1.4留言板    23
4.2后台管理员操作模块设计    23
4.2.1管理员登录    23
4.2.2会员管理    24
4.2.3信息管理    25
4.2.4留言管理    25
4.2.5订单管理    26
4.3数据库逻辑结构设计    27
5    荐书门户网站的实现    30
5.1网站首页页面实现    30
5.2注册登录模块实现    32
5.3购物订单模块实现    34
5.4信息展示模块实现    35
5.5留言板模块实现    40
5.6后台管理页面实现    42
5.7后台信息管理模块实现    42
5.8订单管理模块实现    45
6    总结与展望    46
6.1总结    46
6.2展望    47
参考文献    48
致谢    49
